>Hickman Healing Foundation In January, 1998, Dr. Irene Hickman established the Hickman Healing Foundation, dedicated to research into reasons for dysfunction of several varities. |
>Affirmations For Positive Thinking Complete course teaches you how to train your mind to create the life you want using simple easy steps. |
>Alternative Medicine for a Healthy You A complementary enhancement to Traditional Medicine & Holistic Health Directory. |
>Alternative Medicine at Southern Illinois University A Health Promotion and Wellness Resource for Individuals, Worksites, Communities, and Health Professionals. |
>Alternative Medicine at U Pitt Internet Resources: Alternative Medicine Resources. |
>Center Point Management At Center Point Management we use the tools of hypnotherapy to aid the client in regaining their center. |
>Complementary Practices by Dr. Bower at Virginia University A collection of links on alternative medicine. |
>Diane Brandon Diane Brandon is a personal facilitator, workshop leader, and speaker, who conducts individual as well as group sessions. Her work focuses on personal growth, wellness, and life enrichment |
>Ireland’s Holistic Health Site. |
>Easy way to lose weight Max kirsten, C.Ht. uses the latest Hypnosis and NLP techniques to help you achieve your ideal slimmer shape! |
>Eating Disorder Recovery Online An online service providing information and programs to help you recover from an eating disorder, regain self-esteem, and empower yourself! |
>Enhanced Healing Relaxation music, positive affirmations and online counseling for reducing stress and anxiety, promoting health, wellness and healing and improving self-esteem. |
>The First Step For Therapists, Counselors, Educators, and Trauma center staff members but most importantly; Help for parents with troubled children. A step by step do it yourself program. By Carl Carpenter R.C.Ht. |
>Holistic Healing Web Page Holistic healing and alternative medicine documentation, plus links. |
>Holistic Healthcare Online The Site That Lists ALL of the Holistic Health Care Practitioners ALL Over the WORLD |
>Jewish Healing Therapies Specializing in Hypnosis and Judaic Healing Therapies |
>Life Force, llc Life force is dedicated to offering a safe and healing environment where women suffering from disordered eating can gain personal insight and experience a new awareness of themselves. |
>Leclaire Hypnobirthing Method at the Mind Body Center Description: Created in 1987, the Leclaire Hypnobirthing Method has helped countless mothers to a painless and safe, natural childbirth |
>The Marino Center for Progressive Health Integrating traditional and Alternative Healthcare. |
>Mental Health Net Mental Health Net, your personal, award-winning review guide to mental health, psychology, and psychiatry online, currently listing over 7,000 individual resources. |
>SpiritTalk Providing Information & Entertainment for a Healthy Mind, Body and Spirit. |
>Stop Smoking West London Using Advanced Hypnosis, latest NLP and CBT techniques practicing the Stop Smoking in One Hour program. |
>Surgical Mind Messaging System Imagine Surgery Without Anxiety, Pain or Suffering How to Maximize Your Mind and Body Resources Before, During and After Surgery. |
>The Family of Light The Family of Light is an international mobile healing center, offering healing, channeling, and educational forums around the globe. |
>Twin Cities Freenet in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota Internet Mental Health Resources. |
>Wellspring Tools for a vibrant Mind, Body and Spirit. |
>Worldwide Association of Nurse Hypnotherapists Our organization was founded on January 18th, 1997 in southern Maine by an eclectic group of healthcare professionals who were trained in medical hypnotherapy. |
>A.D.A.C. Hypnosis Dealing with problems and making important life changes is never easy. Hypnosis can make these transitions more tolerable and provide lasting change. You’ll wonder why you waited so long. |
>Alabama Hypnotherapy Center At ALABAMA HYPNOTHERAPY CENTER, we successfully treat a wide range of complaints that have not responded satisfactorily to conventional treatment. |
>Brookside Center for Counseling and Hypnotherapy Brookside Center for Counseling and Hypnotherapy offers a wide selection of services in many disciplines. |
>Carl Carpenter’s Home Page. |
>Human Trinity Hypnotherapy Human Trinity Hypnotherapy is an excellent tool to help individuals overcome unwanted habits, improve self-confidence, enhance healing and release unnatural fears and phobias. |
>The Hypnosis Healing Center You deserve to wake up with a smile! |
>Institute of Mind Control and Development Pradeep Aggarwals’ Self-Improvement on-line resource Center. Bookmark this site and come back often for articles, information, products, and a calender of Pradeep Aggarwal’s life changing live seminars throughout India. |
> Welcome To’s, phobia, anxiety, stress, and panic attack relief center. On-line one-to-one coaching sessions for achieving a happier fulfilling life. Have some questions …Click Here! Ask Dr. Chris |
>Dr. Bruce Goldberg Welcome to what I believe will be a very memorable trip of your life to my website. I’m a dentist and a hypnotherapist. I specialized in past life regression (and Future Life) hypnotherapy, and have retired from dentistry to devote full-time to my rapidly expanding hypnotherapy practice. With the magic of hypnotherapy, almost anything is possible! |
>Brookside Center for Counseling and Hypnotherapy Brookside Center for Counseling and Hypnotherapy offers a wide selection of services in many disciplines. |
>Dr. Liu A Clinical Psychologist (APA), Board Certified Medical Hypnotherapist (ABH), and Certified Holistic Practitioner (AHHA) in private consulting practice, in Florida. |
>Paul Bunnell’s Home Page This is a list of sources of information available for those who wish to learn more about hypnosis, or how to do hypnosis or self-hypnosis. |
>C.H.A.N.G.E. Counseling, Hypnotherapy And Naturally Generated Excellence. |
>David W G Hook Hypnotherapy Welcome to Hypnotherapy Works for Us the Homepage of David W G Hook DMS MASC NGH Certified Hypnotherapist and Stress Consultant. |
>Dr. Knights Hypnosis Homepage The homepage of Dr. Knight. |
>Elevated Therapy, Hypnosis and Past Lives Elevated Therapy – Live a Different Life Hypnosis, Past Life Therapy, Metaphysics, Healing and MORE… |
>The UK Information Centre for EFT Extensive information on EFT training courses in the uk, discussion groups and information on Emotional Freedom Technique |
>Human Trinity Hypnotherapy My website has over 100 articles on Hypnosis and related subjects such as Hypnotherapy, Pain Management, Guided Imagery, Religion and Hypnosis, Stress Management, False Memory Syndrome, Childbirth, Dentistry, Mind-Body-Spirit, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Sexuality and related subjects. |
> Peter Blum is a master hypnotherapist, sound-healer, and psychospiritual counselor. Site features schedule of workshops & classes, informative articles on hypnosis and sound healing, and product ordering information. |
>The Hypnotherapy Center Yes Hypnosis Works! What your mind can conceive and believe, you can acheive. |
>Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy UK Resources and information for hypnosis in the UK including a free hypnotherapist directory. |
>Hypnotherapy Clinic Bristol The following information may assist you with regards to emotional problems and other conditions. As a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist I use hypno-analytical therapy which can be of great benefit. |
>Hypnosis For Therapy: The Hutchby Way Combines a simple laymans guide to hypnotherapy with details of Margaret’s private hypnotherapy practice, hypnotherapy and webmaster resources, free web based email service and card and games service just for fun. |
>HypnoSoft Internet Hypnosis Create a custom, talking hypnosis on the Internet, and send it to any email address. Your own topic, or choose from 32 self-help topics, including: stress, healing, anxiety, self-seteem, performance, weight…more. |
>Inner Dimensions Hypnotherapy Center At our practice, we pride ourselves on our client service. We offer a knowledgeable staff, safe and proven procedures, and the latest in Hypnotic technology. |
>Martin St James – The World’s Greatest Hypnotist |
>Mike Beaver’s Hypnotherapy Home Page Checkout THE BEST links page on the Web |
>Marcia Proctor Hypnotherapy Marcia Proctor is a hypnotherapist in the Washington DC area. |
>Max Kirsten, Clinical Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Clinic – for stop smoking west london – using advanced hypnosis and latest NLP techniques for Stop Smoking in One Hour” program |
>Focused Solutions Focused Solutions -Specializing in Medical Hypnosis including Weight Control Issues, Anxiety and Fear, Pain Control and the teaching of Self-Hypnosis |
>Haji Holistic Centre For your counseling and therapy services.Ê Located in Barbados. |
>Home Page for C. Roy Hunter, MS, C.Ht. Author/Trainer, Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor Alliance Hypnotherapy, Inc. Hypnosis books, tapes, official FAQ, training, workshops. |
>HypnoBirthing Training for certification in hypnotic techniques for natural childbirth (HypnoBirthing) |
>Intuitively Speaking Ruth Berger Psychic – medical intuitive – training |
>Katherine Zimmerman Information about hypnosis and self hypnosis, personal growth workshops, and EFT. Offering private sessions, quality hypnotherapy training and hypnotherapy books for professionals as well as tapes and books for the general public. |
ers of your mind to help you through life’s challenges, because SUCCESS is yours |
trainings and audio tapes, as well asÊ articles explaining my approach to using hypnosis and NLP for healing and personal change. |
>Shelley Stockwell, PhD. |
>Tania A Prince Associates Informational site containing extensive information on training courses and therapy which includes EFT, TAT, NLP and hypnotherapy. |
>Reflections in Time Creating the Magic for your Event.Ê A riveting Stage Event of Color, Sound, Movement and Illusionary images. |
>Tranceformation Works! Hypnosis and hypnotherapy explained, FAQ, Dr. Steven Gurgevich’s Healing with Hypnosis” series of audio tapes.” |
>Trek Associates Trek Associates is a newly formed (1997) group of professionals from the realm of education, each with 20+ years of experience. We have all learned from eperience and interest the effects of stress on one’s professional and personal life, andÊ have gone on to get specialized training in the area of hypnotherapy in order to assist others. |
>Victoria M. Wizell, C.M.Ht. Hypnotherapy of Nevada: Information about hypnosis, self-hypnosis, weight-loss, sexual issues, stress management, stop smoking, and much more. Private sessions and extensive selection of self-hypnosis audio programs available. |
>Hypnotherapy Michigan Hypnotherapy-Michigan -Kim Manning Bloomfield Hills MI Specializing in Confidence Building, Stress Control, Health Improvements, and Hypnosis for Children |
>Mach1 Audio IMDHA Conference Tapes here! Mach 1 Audio specializes in the recording of self-help, educational and spiritual audio and video programs. |
orlds of Science, Music, Travel, Sports and the Arts! Core-Curriculum, Educational Videos for Teachers and Students Resources for Homeschoolers. “Hypnotherapists” |
>Hoosier Land Hypnosis Page This page is to inform the public that the State of Indiana has established the Indiana Hypnotist Committee to oversee certication of qualified applicants. |
>CAM OnLine: NLP CDs, Coaching & Personal Development Amongst the leading personal developmet sites. Over 100 products/services on nlp, coaching, training, team building, & self improvement! Authors include Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins & Brian Tracy. |
>National Federation for Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP for the 21st Century. |
>Margaret R. Boland A registered massage therapist in Texas for 10 years and a certified hypnotist for 4 years, with continued education in both fields. |
>Succes Dynamics Kevin Hogan’s website offers 200 pages of free articles about hypnosis, NLP, tinnitus, persuasion, and information about hypnotherapy certification trainings. |
>1-800-THERAPIST Five Star Mental Health Links The 1-800-THERAPIST NETWORK is a unique referral organization which has licensed therapists who personally match you with an expert sensitive and experienced in the dealing with the issues you are facing. |
>Adventures Beyond the Body Out-of-Body experiences are the cutting edge of human exploration. |
>Alternative Health Database The purpose of this site is to provide a free, centralized and searchable, indexed database of alternative health resources (information, products, and services) available on the Web, and to promote ease of access to those sites. |
>Creative Alternatives For A Changing World An ecclectic collection of links. |
>Getting Thru Getting Thru is a way to relate in a deeper and more profound way with your self, your kids, and those around you. |
>Hawaiian Huna Village Welcome to Aloha International’s HAWAIIAN HUNA VILLAGE Waiho wale kahiko Ancient secrets are now revealed |
>Healing Resources Web Pages A site dedicated to healing and personal growth through emotional work, support, learning and community. |
>Health Discovered Greatest Health News In Decades! Get optimum physical health results with 2000 year-old secret. Doctors testimonials. |
>Human Potential Technology Human Potential Technology… 1-2-1 Hypnotherapy/NLP. Hypnosis & relaxation audio products. Free Hypnosis / NLP audio files, and the Meta4 Bank, the webs first index of hypnotic metaphor! |
>Hypnosis Associates Hypnosis Associates is a listing and referral service for professional hypnotists, hypnotherapists, and other health care practitioners who utilize hypnosis for the treatment of diseases, life enhancement and personal growth purposes. |
>Hypno-Magazine This is an independant magazine, we have no dogma, no ‘axe to grind’ and suffer no editorial pressure. All contributions are made in the best spirit of helpfulness and communication for the public at large who might be interested in these subjects. |
> The first server of its kind for the purpose of promoting Accelerated Human Change Technologies. |
>The Hypnosis Healing Center Featuring a hypnosis Chat Room. |
>The Inspiration Center The Inspirational Center is a non-profit inspirational, motivational and spiritual page which is regularly updated with articles and imagery. |
>Life Tips Center A great collection of tips. A new tip everyday and a tip archive. |
>Mental Health Matters Looking for mental health information? User-friendly Directory of Information and Resources for Mental Health Professionals and YOU! |
>Subconscious Mind Power Training Complete course teaches you how to train the mind to work with the subconscious mind to create the life you want. |
>Positive Changes Hypnosis Practice Builder Program. A Proven direction for hypnosis practitioners. |
>Sun Angel: Noosphere A large, unorganized collection of links. |
>Your Planets Vedic Astrology is the science of ancient India that reveals your past, present and future. This site brings you cutting edge technology for creating your Vedic Astrology horoscope, interpretive reports, and other services. |
>The PATH Foundation Helping to improve the length and quality of life, with Positive Suggestion Hypnosis & Cell Command Therapy¨ |
>The National Council for Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapy Formed to qualify and self-regulate Healthcare Professionals in Medical, Dental, Rehabilitation, and Clinical Hypnotherapy as part of adjunct and complimentary modalities of treatment. |
>The Australian Academy of Applied Parapsychology Our friends from down under. |
>The American Board of Hypnotherapy The American Board of Hypnotherapy, one of the world’s largest professional hypnotherapy organizations, was founded in 1982 by Dr. A.M. Krasner. |
>Association for Past Life Research and Therapies The Association for Past Life Research and Therapies is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the acceptance and use of professional and responsible past-life therapy through education, association and research. |
>Continuum Center for Health and Healing An initiative of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. We are an academic integrative medical center encompassing clinical practice, professional and patient education, and clinical research. |
>Master’s Center for Personal Development Your source for information on Hypnotherapy and other holistic alternative wellness methods. |
>Member, Who’s Who in Mental Health on the Web Meanwell is a spiritual centre established in 1997 in Melbourne, Australia, to help people help themselves. This official web site features a wide range of information, tips and techniques on various aspects of spirituality. |
>New York State Hypnotherapy Association We are committed to fullfilling our purpose by advancing the theory and practice of hypnotherapy through th encouragement of research, testing, and other original works. |
>Ontario Hypnosis Centre A Resource for Knowledge and Change. |
>Oregon Hypnotherapy Association (OHA) We are here to help you select a hypnotherapist in your area in Oregon and southern Washington State, who is a member of the OHA. |
>Phoenix Rising This is a referral service for hypnotherapist practicing past life regression. |
>Transitions A Center for Counseling and Hypnotherapy. Del H. Morrill, C. Ht., is a registered counselor and hypnotherapist, and has been active in personal and social development work for over 30 years in Seattle, Japan, New York City, Chicago and now in Tacoma. |
>Alchemy Institute of Healing Arts Alchemical Hypnotherapy synthesizes techniques from many modern schools of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Psychology. |
>Academy of Hypnotherpay Train for an exciting and rewarding career in hypnotherapy. A career in hypnotherapy course certified by Professional Hypnotherapy Practioner Association” |
>Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis Course – BST Foundation We offer a range of hypnotherapy courses for different levels, and offer a specialist course in brief strategic therapy. Students who complete the course gain nationally recognized qualifications. |
>Westbrook University Earn IMDHA CEU’s here!A world leader in distance learning. Off-Campus – Self Paced – Independent Study University Programs for the Active Adult. |
>Infinity Institute of Australia Hypnosis School Approved by IMDHA and uses the same state licensed curriculum as Infinity Institute International, Inc in the USA. |
>The American Institute of Hypnotherapy A degree-granting institution approved by the State of California. The American Institute of Hypnotherapy offers a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy. |
>Choices Hypnosis Training Center Become an important and competent contributor in the healing and helping professions. |
>The Hypnosis Center, Inc. Hypnosis: Hypnotherapy Training and Professional Hypnotherapists, providing sessions available for: HypnoBirthing(TM) (natural painless childbirth), weight loss, stop smoking, nail biting, mood, motivation, confidence, sports, sexual issues, and removing anxiety, stress, compulsions and also self-hypnosis (Minnesota State Licensed School, 5-PATH, 7th Path and more). |
>The Institute of Hypnotherapy The mission of The Institute of Hypnotherapy is to provide qualifying training and certification to hypnotherapists. Based in New Jersey. |
>Open College Distance learning Diploma awarded courses in alternative therapies. Study at home for an approved & recognised Diploma award. Call for a Free prospectus & audio tape to be sent to you through the post. |
>The Option Institute We are the International Learning and Teaching Center for The Option Process, offering personal growth programs to help people maximize their success and happiness as well as overcome adversity leading to improved health, career, relationships and quality of life. Send for our FREE VIDEO and brochure! |
>Fathom Quest Fathom Quest is a program that merges the latest business management techniques and scuba diving certification simultaneously and parallel with an excellent motivational learning experience. |
>Omni Hypnosis Training Center Gerald Klein runs this hypnosis school in Florida. |
>The Orca Institute The Orca Institute was founded on January 3, 1986, due to the growing need for such a school in British Columbia. The school’s program was conceived and developed in response to the desire of many practitioners to achieve a high standard of hypnotherapy practice in British Columbia. The Orca Institute aims at promoting such a standard by offering professional hypnotherapy training of the highest quality. |
>Bodhistore Tibetian Incence and practice supplies. Featured at Bodhistore are books by Tarthang Tulku, an accomplished Tibetan lama who presents mind awakening teachings in clear and simple English. |
>Hither and Yon Online Welcome! Hither and Yon Online sells high quality, interesting items from the Himalayas. |
>Welcome to Hypnotherapy Equipment UK Ltd website Hypnotherapy Equipment Ltd is completely dedicated to manufacturing high quality affordable products. These products are specifically designed for use in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. |
>Szeles Master Hypnotist Featuring an on-line newsletter for the stage hypnotist. |
>Dan Larosa America’s Funniest Hypnotist. |